Thursday, August 7, 2014

Warp Painting at Peters Valley School of Craft, Layton, NJ, July 25 - 29, 2014.

I recently had the pleasure of teaching a 5 day workshop focusing on Warp Painting at Peters Valley School of Craft. Students learn the art of warp painting using a variety of weave structures combined with painting with dyes, watercolors, and other mediums. They focused on the development of personal images, color, and woven pattern resulting in the creation of several woven paintings.

Warp Painting class portrait, from left: Jesse Jordon, Sarah Peloquin, Margriet Carrico, Amy Coghlan, and Patricia Sole. Each student warped, painted, and wove approximately 4 yards of cotton.

Amy Coghlan's warp paintings in progress.

Patricia Sole's warp painting in progress.

Sarah Peloquin pattern draft weaving her painted warp.

My demo warp painted and woven.

The lovely Weaving Studio at Peters Valley School of Craft, a fabulous place to weave.

No visit to Peters Valley is complete without viewing Dingmans Falls just a few miles away from the school's campus.
 Please visit: for more information regarding workshops and events at Peters Valley School of Craft.